These assets are provided for use in situations like articles and video tutorials. Please do not use the logo in any way that could be confusing for customers or imply any affiliation with opnBase.
Do not modify the logo and make sure it has enough spacing.
If the situation prevents otherwise, the icon mark may be used instead of the full logo.
opnBase (pronounced Open Base) is a combination of the phrases "open source" and "knowledge base", and should always be stylized in camelCase when possible.
Usage agreement
opnBase brand name and logo are protected under intellectual property law.
You can use the opnBase name as part of the name of your open-source and non-commercial project, but using the name in commercial projects without permission is not allowed.
You cannot use the opnBase logo for open or closed source projects, but you’re welcome to use it in articles or documentation as long as proper credit is given.
The use of the opnBase brand name and logo on merchandise, such as t-shirts or stickers, requires explicit written consent.
Style Guide
Colors, fonts, concepts, etc.
The primary font used on and around our website is Comic Neue.
The display font used in the opnBase logo is Aldrich.
opnBase Purple
#6432B4 - also referred to as opnBase-primary
opnBase Pink
#BA83E7 - also referred to as opnBase-secondary
Accessibility First - Raised pedestrian crossings are great for accessibility, and as an added bonus, they're a pleasant user experience for pedestrians of all shapes and sizes. Things that are good for accessibility are good for everyone.
Transparency Always - All of opnBase's code is client-sided like HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. Our scripts verbosely log to your browsers console, so you always know what's happening.
Less is More - Scope creep is the death of many good projects. opnBase is and always will be a troubleshooters search engine. Nothing less, and nothing more. opnBase's design philosophy attempts to mirror this minimalist concept.